Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ThE HeArT BeAt oF HeAvEn

There I was standing before an army of worshipers when I saw this vision…
I saw the eyes of the Lord searching to and fro upon all the earth to find His children. There in the midst of a darkened country I saw the Father’s heart in Dallas. It seemed without beat, still, no life…the look upon the Father’s face began to sadden. He kept His eyes positioned without movement…then a faint heart beat, then another, then another. The Father spoke, “There is life… my children are alive!” I began to see the heart grow and become alive and as it grew I began to see vessels appear filled with His Blood. The beat became stronger and stronger and the vessels stretched across the nation covering the entire nation with His Blood (through His vessels).

The beat of the Father’s heart was in sync to the marching of this army of worshipers.

This was a real vision I saw one night as we were worshiping in the BSM at Dallas Baptist University. The interpretation of this vision is very prophetic to what I believe the Lord is doing, but ask the Lord to show you something about it!

Chase Gentle

2 Chronicles 16:9
Joel 2:28