Monday, May 16, 2011

"Stop Tollerating"

Revelation 2:18-23 & 1 Kings 19
· Sexual Immorality – defiles inwardly
· Things offered to idols – defiles you outwardly
· Things Strangled – defiles you outwardly
· Things of the blood – defiles outwardly

“The Jezebel Spirit tries to get me to defile myself in a way that disqualifies me inwardly or outwardly for the ministry.”
· A Jezebel Spirit cannot operate without an Ahab spirit (every person has been affected by the Jezebel and Ahab Spirit at sometime) The Ahab spirit is that spirit which causes you to fear or be fearful of what might happen if you reject the Jezebel spirit.

Solomon was the #1 King of conquering land
Ahab was #2 He had the second most area conquered, and in those terms, conquering land represented your power.
David was #3
You can be a great conqueror and still have an Ahab spirit!
The Jezebel spirit can operate in both men and women, it is not restricted by gender!
Herod the Great operated in the Jezebel Spirit – Herod always had in mind to kill the wise man and Jesus, He was insecure about everything; he killed his wives, his servants who he thought were talking about him. His favorite wife was a Jew and killed her and the only reason he married her was to gain influence over the Jews…he was always manipulating!
These are things that will show you who operates in a Jezebel Spirit:
· Insecurity and Rejection
· Pride and Arrogance
· Manipulation and Control

The 4 Effects of a Jezebel Spirit:
1. Fear (1 Kings 19): It has power because we tolerate it, and when we stop tolerating it, it will lose its power This fear comes from the Ahab spirit that allows for the continuation of the Jezebel spirit.
     a. Jezebel was rejected by her father and had a controlling mother…many people fall into this category. Her mom gave her to Ahab for alliance! Not all fall into this category of rejecting and controlling parents but this is a way that the spirit has a door to come into your life and should be confronted and dealt with from this viewpoint of forgiveness towards your parents and breaking off the spirit from attaching itself in this way in your mind.
     b. Jezebel spirits will cause people to control every situation because they have a fear of rejection.
     c. The most subtle way a Jezebel Spirit gets into a leaders life is through a friend;
          i. “I am called to serve you, intercede for you, be your armor bearer etc….” The passivity of this spirit allows it to go unrecognized and dig deep into your soul until it has infiltrated every area of your life.
     d. “I see the Jezebel Spirit in Jonathan (Saul’s son and David’s friend)” It is interesting to see so much of the life of Saul outlined in the Bible and how that door was opened into Jonathan’s life for that spirit to come in very passively.
          i. They made 3 covenants together and each time they get worse in being one-sided…Jonathan never said I will protect you, but instead he asked David to enter into covenant that he would not harm his family or descendants when he (David) became King. 1 Samuel 23:17 What normally happened when a new king from outside of the bloodline of the previous king came into power, that king would kill all remaining family members of the previous bloodline and Jonathan knew this.  Yet, he befriended David and from a seemingly loving heart he manipulated David to make covenants with him that only protected himself. My belief is that he was blinded to the control and manipulation of the spirit he was operating through which caused him to never realize the extent to his control and manipulation.  Not even to his death.
2. Isolation(1 Kings 19:3): When you want to get away from everybody everywhere.
     a. Isolation is getting away with you…..Solitude is getting away with God! Detachment from God and from others cripples you spiritually.  You were not meant to do this life alone.
3. Exhaustion (1 Kings 19:4): When you get out of town do you sleep for hours? And when you drive back into town do you feel the oppression again? You were not meant to sleep by taking sleeping pills but by the natural processes in your body that cause you to sleep!
4. Depression (1 Kings 19:4): This prayer to die is prayed by many leaders!
     a. Jonah 4:3 “it is better to die than for me to live”
     b.Thoughts of suicide are clear signs of a Jezebel Spirit!
     c. Relating to commercials on TV relating to depression!
     d. Thoughts of quitting! This spirit, again, will try to deter any attempt you make at walking in the way God desires you to walk and will convince you that you no longer are qualified for the work of the ministry or that you are just burned out.
     e. Sexually Impure thoughts are a big sign of Jezebel Spirit! (When Robert was dealing with this spirit, he was bombarded with sexual impure thoughts)
5. Strange and Prolonged sickness: (Robert had sinuses for an extended time)
     a. All five senses represent spiritual senses…when your spirit is sick, your physical body will begin to show signs of the spiritual matter.
6. Bizarre and Nearly Fatal Accidents: “the person wasn’t trying to kill me, but the spirit is.”
     a. Steal peace, joy, and confidence
     b. Kill with sickness and accidents
     c. Destroy with depression and fear
Jack Hayford said, “ cannot be gracious with the Spirit!
People who operate in this spirit mainly do it through guilt!
The Answer:
     · Address it in the person and remove him or her from all leadership unless they repent!
     · If they do not repent remove that person from any personal influence in your life…you cannot be friends with that person operating in that spirit.
If you don’t deal with this; He will remove you if you will not remove her, and He will raise up someone else who will stand against the spirit and He will raise up someone else to carry your ministry with double the anointing. You cannot carry out your destiny with this spirit attached to your life.
1 Kings 19:15 cont…
· After Elijah was in the cave with God he was told to anoint 3 people; anoint Hazael as king over Syria.  Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel, and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.
· Prophet, Priest, and King

This is what you must do to handle this:
1. Get with God (Get a Word from God) Ask for forgiveness for tolerating with this spirit! REPENT!
2. Seek Wise Counsel Bring the darkness in your soul into the light and be encouraged to walk in the way of the Lord. 
3. Take Action Fill your mind with His word and start memorizing scripture.  Do anything that will fill you mind with the things of God so that the spirit doesn’t have room to come back and invade that space once more. Remove those influences around you that have not submitted their will and authority over to Jesus Christ. Rebuke this spirit immediately when you recognize it trying to get back in.

“I wonder what’s being held up in your ministry (your life) because you are tolerating the Jezebel Spirit” 

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